Jay Cutler is the Jay-z of the NFL. With his helmet so low, he rocks the jay-z look. I think that's pretty sweet. Thought I would share that.
The Rockies just won their first game in the series. I'm actually going to say it. Go Rockies!?
I'm going to go work out here in a little bit. It'll be the first time...ever. I'm really lazy. I hope Paul doesn't make fun of me. I don't think I could lift a even half of what he does.
I just set a PR. 4 comments. Count 'em. My last post got the most comments I've ever got. I thought that that was pretty sweet. Thanks for the feed back. I definitely don't think that I would lose anything if I took a year off. Oh and Bryce, I know that going to college isn't choosing a career, but It's a big step towards one. I have an amount of time before I get a career, and I get to choose how much time that is. I'm in no hurry to get one, so that time frame can be as long as I want. I don't know that going to college next year is really what I want, so why go. Maybe I should take sometime off, experience things, go to college, experience that and see what life has for me after that. Maybe It's a career, maybe it's more "free" time. Thanks for the comments.
Ya man. i know what you mean. its so hard trying to figure out what to do after high school. Ha i just posted a huge blog about it. I myself am unsure of what i want to do so maybe this advice might just help just cause i am in the same boat but i think if you stay true and follow your heart however cliche that sounds it will all work out eh. word
You see, I wouldn't even say it is that big of a step toward a career.
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