Thursday, May 31, 2007

afternoon delight

I doesn't feel much different. Being out of school for the summer I mean. I came home after the last bell of my junior year, and took a nap. I'm boring. I slept for about two hours. Strait up just slept. Talk about some afternoon delight. Then I woke up, watched scrubs on Comedy Central and drank some ice tea. I don't plan on doing much for the rest of the day, I have to go drop off the Maxima at the repair shop, her clutch is toast. That's about it though. Man I love summer.

I leave for New Zealand in a few days. It hasn't hit me yet though. I think once I spend thirteen hours on a plane, then I'll realize that I'm going somewhere. I've always dreamed about New Zealand. I really have. I've seen pictures on Erik's and Chris's blog. I'm sure you have too. Though, a wise man once told me that it's not what you do, but who you do it with. I can't wait to see my brother. He really is a huge inspiration for me. I can remember when I was little, I would copy him and it drove him up the wall, but I hope he realizes that it's because, well, I think he's the man. Which he is. I can't wait to do some awesome things in New Zealand, but it's going to be so much awesomer-yep I said awesomer-it's going to be so much awesomer when I get to experience New Zealand with such great people. I can't wait to smile and laugh and remember such experiences for the rest of my life. I know that New Zealand will not just offer great things to do and see, but plentiful opportunities for me and those around me to grow closer together. All in all, I'm stoked.

That's it, I just wanted to let you know that It's officially summer for me, and I'm really excited to go to New Zealand.


Erik Haagenson said...

Ryan, just a few things...1) You should probably re-check your definition of 'afternoon delight', 2) It's iced tea, 3) Thanks for your kind words and 4) There is no way you are as excited to be here as I am to have you. Can't wait. Happy Summer and congratulations! Love you, brother.

Bryce Perica said...

I am with Erik. Check the definition of afternoon delight. No doubt, I will be indulging in that in a matter of weeks.