Friday, September 14, 2007

to Friday

I'm Creative Writing class. I'm not a big fan of it. We are critiquing each others work. I'm not a big fan of that. I just took a physics test last block and have a calculus test next. I'm not a big fan of those. I didn't eat breakfast and I'm feeling quite hungry. I'm not a big fan of this. Today is Friday. Huge fan.
Today is the day that all things troublesome are beckoned to be temporarily disposed of. Sharply at 12:35 today, my world shifts, for that instant represents liberation. Liberation from the duties that await me Monday through Friday. But toady, oh today, my worries melt and my passions are revealed. I know that today, it's okay to be whatever I want. There are no expectations. None, until Monday, when the eternal cycle of Monday through Friday begins again. And then I will wait for Friday.
So here's to it; here's to Friday, here's to the agony of the week already over with and to the agony awaiting us next week. But most of all, here's to you and I enjoying our Friday.

1 comment:

Bryce Perica said...

I'll hear, hear to that even though I don't go to school and I don't work. Every day is Saturday.