Thursday, September 20, 2007


So, at least I'm trying. At least I'm blogging again. It might not be very frequent but hey, I'm a very busy man. Not really actually. My afternoons are full of ESPN, playing football with Sean and Paul and thoughts, key word thoughts, about doing my homework. So, I guess I could write more.

Just like this past summer, I here the road calling my name again. This time, there are a few more possey members. Actually, they're all coming. Shortly after I finish mowing the Shay's lawn, I will hop in the car with three of my closest friends, Sean, Paul and Matt, and push for the North. Destination, Bozeman Montana.

I love Montana. I'm not really sure why. It's slow there. Not bad slow, but a calming slow. A slow that reminds you that life doesn't have to be hectic. I get to take a break when I'm out there. Be in a new place. I get to leave school and whatever back home. That's always a wonderful feeling.

I'm exciting to see my brother. I don't know why I always have a good time when I go up to visit him. Maybe I like him because he's in Montana or maybe I like Montana because Montana has him. I don't know but I can't remember ever regretting going up there. I'm super stoked and can't stop thinking about it. I think it's essential to take a break and let God calm your heart and clear your mind. I think that it's important to do it alone, true, but I also think that fellowship with people close to you is important too.

Hope you have a good week end.

1 comment:

Erik Haagenson said...

Thank you for coming this weekend. Thanks for giving me a break and a chance to be reminded of home.